Nothing short of SPLENDID 🥰 . . . a half-hour+ of strictly sensual foreplay, no coitus and no aggression. Furthermore, his semi-erect/flaccid semen 🚿 was spectacular, and she was genuinely impressed with the vigorous fruit of their everything-BUT-rigorous labors. I love how she continues to massage his bod long after his orgasm, inquiring as to how his eruption felt 👍. Finally, she is essentially PERFECT from head to toes, which makes this a classic! 🏆
6:53 that face is exactly what I see in my wife every time I get her a new cock to play with. That’s why we’ve had an open relationship for the last 20 years. Seeing her happiness with a new cock to play with is the absolute best. And this chick smile is the closest I’ve ever seen to the one on my wife’s face.