Für Frauen, die sich gerne auch mal was gönnen wollen, ist die Karibik ein wahres Paradies, ohne diese ganzen mitteuropäischen „Flirtmeister“. Spaß wann und wie Frau will!!!!
受信者 julie_van01q : I went to Jamaica with a girlfriend on a stand-in basis for another woman who had to cancel thre trip. Coming out of the airport my femme friend and I saw a dozen black men openly asking it we were there for black cock. It was all rather out-in-the open. Checking out the comings and goings at our hotel it seemed rather obvious that the white couples there in Jamaica were there so the white women could indulge in black cock vacations with rheir husbands' approval.
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olaticumbo99 10ヶ月前
受信者 valandjayne : One thing for sure, Our mature wives make up for lost time once she gets her first black cock.
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Rubyred77 2年前
受信者 valandjayne : Just thing of white guys as little engine car and black guys as top of the range sports car! Thats why a woman will never go back! Its not just size but they stamina as well and massive loads of cum they give u. The whole black man experience!
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